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Social Media for Beginners: Twitter

Check out this article for a basic understanding of how to utilize Twitter for your golf business.

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Updated over a week ago

Twitter Platform Overview

Twitter is a microblogging and social network service. It is a great tool to connect people and share information because each message is limited to 280 characters. This means that information needs to be presented quickly in a concise way, which makes each tweet (each individual message) to get right to the heart of the topic.

Users can post and interact with any tweet. Nonusers can still read tweets posted publicly, but cannot write their own or engage in another user's posts.

Why Should a Golf Instructor Create a Twitter?


Golf instructors must be there when a student searches for them because it certifies legitimacy. In the digital age, people are very on guard for scammers and cyber dangers. For this reason, having a social media presence is essential in today's world towards establishing trust and making students feel comfortable interacting with you. It is not enough to simply have an account, your account must include a full profile with basic information such as first and last name, place of work, profile picture, and additional details if possible.

Social media has become a major way to establish credibility and is just as important as any Google search when it comes to researching golf instructors.


Prospective students are on social media. 90.4% of millennials, 77.5% of Gen Xers, and 48.2% of baby boomers use social media. Students, brands, and other instructors can only share about their experience with an instructor if they are on their platform. If a student has a great experience, they can include a reference to your profile in their post so that other prospective students can go to your page and get into contact with you. People will not do their own research to get in contact with you if your profile is not easily accessible from the initial point of introduction.

Examples of Popular Accounts

How to Create an Account

Now that you're sold on the idea of having a Twitter, you might be wondering what the first step is to create an account.

  1. You will be guided through the sign up process and prompted to enter information (name, password, email)

Sign up with Email: Twitter will send you an email verifying your email address.

Sign up with Phone Number: Twitter will send you a code via text message.

3. Finally, select a username for your account. This identifies you on Twitter. Choose something as close as possible to your name or something that students can easily identify you by. For more tips on choosing a username, see below:

Tips for Choosing a Username

Remember, a username is the name that your followers use when searching you in the database, sending replies to your message or inbox, tagging in their own messages in  the form of a "mention," and DMing you (directly messaging your inbox).

For example, the V1 Sports username is @v1sports

We want to use something that will be as clear as possible and not confusing to students. The @ symbol indicates that it is an account name. Every Twitter username starts with the @symbol. When creating a username, Twitter will provide you suggestions, but ultimately you choose your own name (as long as it has not been previously taken by another user).

Usernames must be fewer than 15 characters and cannot contain the keyword "admin" or "Twitter."

Get Started!

1. Find and "follow" industry professionals, news outlets, and friends.

Build your network. Having a large network of shared friends is a great way to build legitimacy and increase the chances of your name getting shared to a larger number of people.

Following someone means you subscribe to their tweet messages on your timeline. You can unfollow them and unsubscribe at any time by visiting their profile or clicking on a tweet of there's to direct you to their profile.

2. Get familiar with Twitter terms

  • Tweet

  • Retweet

  • Search

  • Follow

  • Hashtag

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