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Import and Export: V1 Pro Windows
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Written by Notification
Updated over a week ago

Import and Export 

If you have a large number of students to add to your V1 student database, you may wish to import them from a list. To do this, you need to create a CSV (comma separated value) file. You may do this with the windows “notepad” program, but Excel or Access will make the job easier. The CSV file should be in Windows Unicode format. The first record of the file should contain the field names to be imported. The fields should include the “Name” field, and ideally the “Email” field. All other fields are optional. 

Click the Import button and browse for your saved CSV file. V1 Pro will report the number of records successfully imported. 

When you use the Export function, the following fields are exported for all students: Name, Email, Phone, Address1, Address2, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Tags. 

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