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Finding Tabs in V1 Pro Windows
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Updated over a week ago

Finding Tabs 

After installing the V1, at least one of your bins should be labeled All video. When you click on this bin, the list of tabs will represent all of the video stored on your V1, sorted newest to oldest. You could scroll through perhaps thousands of tabs previewing and opening them until you find what you need. However, each bin may be configured to show only tabs meeting specific criteria and ordered to your preference. To change a bin’s view of your V1 Video Database, right-click it, or hold it down for a couple of seconds. The Bin window will appear: 


By default, tabs are shown only from your V1’s Video Database.However, you may also browse video on a network peer, CDROM, other memory device such as a camera’s memory card, or any folder found on your system. 

This V1 Pro

This option shows your default or “main” V1 Video Database. 

Another V1 On Your network 

Click the Find button to search your network for another PC with a V1 Video Database. The file which identifies the database that you are searching for is entitled “volume.txt.” 

A CD, folder, or Memory Stick 

Click the Find button to search your local drives for a folder containing a V1 Video Database. If you select a folder which does not yet have a V1 Video Database, you will be prompted to name the database, and one will be created at the chosen location. 

It is only necessary to locate a database once.The V1 will retain each of these database lists for quick access in the future.To remove a database from a list, select it, and then use the Remove button corresponding to the list you are modifying. 

Which Video 

All video will be shown unless filtered in some way. This section allows you to specify a student, a category, an instructor, or any combination of these. 

Only where student is… 

You may choose any student from your database to view only his or her video. In addition, there are three extra choices, and

Only where category is… 

There are a few default categories, taken from the old version 5.7 bin names, which are Stored, Models, Lessons, and Titles. However, your list of categories is now unlimited, and you may even create “subcategories.”To open a window to edit or add new categories, click the Edit button.If you select to show tabs of a specific category, tabs belonging to subcategories of that category are also displayed. 

Only where instructor is… 

When you record video for a student, it is also tagged with your instructor name.If your student is taught by multiple instructors, you may wish to see only those tabs which you or another specific instructor created. 


Here you will find ways to further customize a bin’s view. 


In the previous section you learned how you can add short phrases or “tags” to a tab.Now you may specify to show only video with specific tags.You may also choose whether a video must have All or Any of the specified tags in order to appear in the bin. 


You may filter on the ID, Description, Location or Focus field.You may choose to compare in one of four ways, LIKE, <= (less than or equal), = (exactly equal), or >= (great than or equal).The LIKE comparison method searches for text anywhere in the field.You may use an asterisk (*) in the search box to search for fields beginning or ending with specific text, such as “golf*”.The other comparison methods use alphabetical ordering, for example >= “T” will find “text” and “zebra” but not “apple.”The filter is NOT case sensitive. 

Sort by 

The default sort order is by date, newest first.However, you may select one of several other fields, sorted either descending (largest first or Z to A) or ascending (smallest first or A to Z).The “frames” field represents the length of the video, and sorting on Frames descending will show your longest tabs at the beginning of the list. 

Save/Load Presets 

Because the V1 remembers your bin settings from session to session, several buttons are provided to “reset” or “clear” the view before you make other changes: 

All Video 

This button acts as a “clear” button—everything on the form is reset.Click this button then OK and you will have a bin showing all video on your V1. 


This button clears all settings then sets a search for “no category” and “no student.”This would show video which you recorded without having a student selected as your “current student.”Ideally, this is only a scratch area, and video that you intend to keep around would eventually be categorized. 

My Inbox 

This button clears all settings then sets a search for video which was accepted and received via your Internet academy inbox.Each tab represents a lesson requested by a student.Without a student selected, you should open each video and then begin a lesson.When a lesson is completed for an Inbox tab, it will be removed from this view. 

Current Student 

Although the first view is automatically set to show all of the current student’s stored video, this button allows you to quickly setup another bin and then customize other settings, such as category or tags.Or, if you have made changes to the first bin, use this button to reset it to show all of the current student’s video. 

Custom Presets 

Custom presets allow you to “save” all of your bin settings for later retrieval.The V1 already automatically maintains your bin settings.However, if your 6 bins do not prove “enough” and you often have to adjust them to perform various searches, you may create a preset to save your settings and recall them at a later time.To do this, enter a name and click the “disc” icon.Any changes made to the bin settings are not saved to the preset until you again click the disc icon. 

If you see “*modified*” to the right of your preset name, the bin settings have changed since you last loaded or saved a preset. 

Bin names 

Once you click OK on the bin window, how is the bin’s name determined? Here’s the order of precedence in which that is determined: 

  1. If your bin is using a Preset, that name will always be used. 

  2. If your bin is showing only a specific category, then the category name will be used. 

  3. If your bin is showing only a specific student’s video, then the student’s name will be used. 

  4. If your bin is showing a V1 Video Database other than your main database, then that database’s name will be used (which may be the networked PC’s name). 

  5. If none of the above applies, one of the common bin names may be used, such as All video, Unsorted video, No student, No category, or Inbox. 

If your bin is showing a V1 Video Database other than your main database, an appropriate icon will be placed on the bin to show this. This could be a network, CD, or folder icon. 

If your bin is showing a filtered view in addition to the preset, category, student, or basic view (all video, unsorted, etc.), an asterisk (*) will be placed to the left of the bin’s name to denote this. For example, a bin labeled “*All video” would show that the bin began as an all video view, but now also has a filter applied. 

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