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Connecting to an Academy and Pro (V1 Golf App)
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Updated over a week ago

This support article serves app versions 2.4.3 or earlier. If you have app version 2.4.3 or earlier, please update to the new version of V1 Golf by visiting your app store!

If you're a user with app version 3.0 or greater, please go here for support.

 If you are not yet associated to a pro in the V1 system, you will see a screen that allows you to Select Academy and Pro. Click this button and follow the steps to find your pro.

 To connect with pro on the V1 platform, touch the Select Academy and Pro button. Search or scroll to find your pro's academy. If you don't know your pro's academy name, ask them! Once you select an academy, you'll see the list of pros associated to that academy. If your pro is not listed, let them know that you'd love to be able to connect with them on V1 and share swings!


 When you select your pro's name, you will now be associated with that Pro in the future. You only need to do this once. Now you can easily send swings to your pro from the Options Menu for each video.

 Note: If you are associated with a pro already, but would like to send a swing to a different pro, click on the Change Academy or Pro option. You can search or scroll for the new pro's academy name, then select the new pro's name from the list of pros associated with that academy.

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