You can backup your V1 video library for V1 Professional 2010/HD. This will backup all student/video info. You will need a storage device with enough space to store your library. Connect your storage device and follow the steps below.
1. Open Windows Explorer. This can be done by right-clicking the "Start" button and selecting Explore.
2. Open the C: drive. Locate the V1_Video folder, right-click on it and select Copy. (if you directed V1 to store video to another location, locate that folder/location)
3. Click the Back button and locate the storage device icon. Right-click on it and select Paste. The files will begin copying. The time will vary based on how many files you have.
4 You now have a complete backup of your V1 video library.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The update is only as recent as the date it was created. It is recommended you re-do the backup at regular intervals. V1 is not responsible for failed backups.
V1 Professional Software

Written by Notification
Updated over 4 years ago