This article will step you thru exporting your V1 Pro 2010/HD student database and converting it to an Excel spreadsheet. This requires you have Microsoft Excel, it is not supplied by V1. We do not support Microsoft Excel and cannot guarantee this process. Use it as a guide. For further assistance with Excel or conversion of the info, you will need to contact Microsoft.
Open V1 and go to the student window. At the bottom left select Export, save the file to your desktop. This will be saved as a CSV file example: V1_Export.CSV
Exit from V1 and open Excel. Do NOT open the CSV file, Excel should open a new blank document on its own.
Under the menu Data go to Import External Data ร Import Data
At the bottom center select Text Files as the file type (you should see .csv as one of the extensions under this selection) now point it to the file we saved in step 1 on the desktop.
The Text Import Wizard will come up.
In Step 1 select Delimited and click Next.
In Step 2 check Space, Comma, and Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One and select the double quotation mark ? under text qualifier
In Step 3 just click Finish
Click OK on the final window that appears (indicates you want to open in the current file)